The tide is turning in the Missouri legislature...the attitude among our legislators is shifting from "We won't expand Medicaid" to "Let's find a way to get this done."Next Tuesday, March 25, the House Committee on Government Oversight and Accountability will hold a hearing on HB 1901, a bill sponsored by Rep. Noel Torpey (R-Kansas City) that would expand Medicaid to 138% of the Federal Poverty.We need as many people as possible on record in support of Medicaid Expansion. Whatever your reason for supporting Expansion - because it will save lives, allow our neighbors to go to the doctor, create jobs, or bring Missouri tax dollars back to our state - please submit your written testimony in support of Expansion.Click here to submit your testimony on why Missouri should expand Medicaid. We will format, print and deliver your testimony to the Committee on Tuesday.Submit your testimony now!If you don't have a story you can still help by contacting our representatives. Tell them how you feel in email, on facebook and even by mail. The more they hear from us the more they will respond in kind.You can find them here: or just complete a google search.
Miss. Newspaper Announces Plans for ‘Gangbangers’ Rodeo’: ‘Bang, Bang,
You’re Dead’
Peter Rinaldi, owner and publisher of Miss-Lou Magazine and the Natchez
Sun, has caused wide-spread anger with a racist column calling for black
youth in N...
8 years ago
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