History on the Pigford case:
The Pigford case was the largest settlement in civil rights history. The case was brought on behalf of African-American farmers who believed they had been the victims of discrimination by the U.S. Department of Agriculture with respect to federal farm credit or benefit programs. The terms of the settlement of that case were part of a Consent Decree entered by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on April 14, 1999. That Consent Decree set an October 12, 1999 deadline for filing claims for relief under the Consent Decree. The Court extended the deadline to September 15, 2000, but only for claimants who could show that “extraordinary circumstances” caused their filing delay. Approximately 58,000 claimants who filed claims after the October 12, 1999 deadline, but before the September 15, 2000 “late-filing” cut-off, never had their discrimination claims resolved because they were found not to have met the “extraordinary circumstances” test for the filing of late claims. The 2008 Farm Bill established a new remedial process for such claims.
Under the 2008 Farm Bill, all claims must be filed in federal court by May 22, 2010.
An applicant may retain a lawyer to assist them, but, as in any lawsuit, an applicant may also file a complaint on their own behalf. A representative contact may be reached at: (866) 472-7826.
You may obtain additional information on the Black farmers litigation informational website -
Update on the Pigford Case:
Mr. John Boyd Jr., is the president and CEO of the National Black Farmers Association.
The Obama administration has asked Congress to provide $1.15 billion for discrimination claims the farmers won more than a decade ago against the Department of Agriculture. The money would be in addition to $100 million already in place.
The budget request is the same as one made last year. But no funds ended up being appropriated by Congress, leaving lobbyists and black lawmakers frustrated with the president for allegedly dropping the ball.
“Mr. Boyd, is very disappointed, given that he and other black farmers went out of our way to support President Obama.
Background on myself:
I am the USDA Agricultural Liaison Officer and Advisor for Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) at Lincoln University (LU). We plan to continue participation with our LU MANRRS Farmers Market activities this summer, with the possibility of adding fresh fish for sale.
Best regards,
Julius T. Moody
USDA Liaison Officer & MANRRS Advisor
108 Bennett Hall
Jefferson City MO 65101
PH 573-681-5108
FAX 573-681-5520
Email: moodyj@lincolnu.edu
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