Tuesday, January 9, 2017
THURSDAY: State Lawmakers To Hold Press Conference Slamming Devastating Local Effects of the TrumpTax
JEFFERSON CITY, MO — On Thursday, January 11, at 2PM CT, at the Missouri State Capitol, one day after the Governor’s State of the State Address, State Representatives Tracy McCreery (D-Olivette), Bruce Franks (D-St. Louis), and Crystal Quade (D-Springfield), will join
Not One Penny for a stop on the nationwide '
Repeal the TrumpTax' Tour to demand the repeal of the recently passed Republican tax breaks for millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations at the expense of working families.
Speakers at the press conference will detail the devastating effects the TrumpTax will have on Missouri and call on congressional Republicans to repeal their recently passed tax law. The nationwide tax law is
modeled after the Kansas law that
devastated Kansas’ economy and robbed funding from Kansas schools.
The Tax Policy Center found that more than half of American households – 100 million of them – will pay more in taxes, while the richest 0.1 percent will get a nearly $150,000 tax break with the TrumpTax. Millions will see a 10 percent increase in health insurance premiums and seniors will pay more from forced cuts to Medicare.
After Thursday’s event, the 100-day tour will hold events around the country, featuring senators, congressional representatives, local elected officials, and people affected by the law. The tour will next travel to Las Vegas, Reno, Sacramento, and Los Angeles before continuing to more than 30 cities from coast to coast.
Press Conference on Disastrous Effects the TrumpTax Will Have on Missouri
Rep. Bruce Franks (D-St. Louis), State Representative
Rep. Tracy McCreery (D-Olivette), State Representative
Rep. Crystal Quade (D-Springfield), State Representative
Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 2PM CT
Missouri State Capitol
House Hearing Room 1