Law Professor S. David Mitchell to Keynote the Jefferson City, MO NAACP 48th Annual Freedom Fund Dinner November 18, 2011

2011 Freedom Fund Dinner
Platinum Sponsorship
Environmental Engineering
Missouri National Guard
Gold Sponsorship
Ameren UE
Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys
Silver Sponsorship
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Central Bank
Hawthorn Bank
Jefferson City School Board
Lincoln University Foundation
Missouri AFL-CIO
Second Baptist Church
Special Contributions
Capital Region Medical Center
Dashtaki Law Firm
Darryl Driver, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. James Gearhart
St. Mary’s Health Center
Capital Plaza Hotel
The Y (YMCA)
Bag Lady Exchange
River City Florist
Mr. and Mrs. Gearhart
Lee’s Chicken
Perkins Restaurant
Judge Jon R. Gray
Pizza Hut
Applebee’s Restaurant
Will West Music Store
AFI Gallery
Director Kevin Willmott
Glenn Bonner, Realtor
Central Bank
Mid-America Construction Management
Oak Hills Golf Center
Sweet Surrender Farms, Russellville MO
Best Western Capital Inn
Nimrod and Denise Chapel, Jr.
Dorothy Jones
Major Gregory L. Sampson
Master Sergeant Mary L. Williams
This Presidential Choice Award is given to an organization or individuals in the public/private sector, in recognition of its/their commitment and dedication to equal opportunity, access, employment, diversity, community support and leadership.
Representative Jay Barnes
The Myrtle Smith Oden Service Award is given to individuals who have worked faithfully in the NAACP
or other civic organizations for the overall betterment of the community.
Dr. Arnold G. Parks
The Lifetime Service Award is given in recognition of an individual for a lifetime career, dedicated toward the cause of justice, equal opportunity and civil rights for all people.
Awardees and Criteria for Scholarships
Mr. Isaiah Edoho
Ms. Haley Johannpeter
Saundra Allen Good Citizenship Award
Awarded to a Lincoln University student who has demonstrated good citizenship. The $500 scholarship is given in honor of Mrs. Saundra Allen, an outstanding citizen and teacher who has made significant contributions to the Jefferson City Public School System and the community through her time, resources, and leadership for the course of peace, justice, and equality for all who reside in Jefferson City.
Mr. Gregory McAboy
Lorine F. Knight Minority Education Scholarship
Awarded to a minority student majoring in Education at Lincoln University, who wishes to become a teacher and who demonstrates a need for financial assistance. This $500 scholarship is presented each year at the annual Freedom Fund Dinner and is to be applied toward the recipient’s tuition. The scholarship is given in honor of Dr. Lorine F. Knight, the first female Ph.D. at Lincoln University, a devout, courageous and honest Secretary-Treasurer of the Jefferson City NAACP for 27 years. Dr. William A. Ross, past President of the Jefferson City Branch, underwrote this scholarship for decades.
S. David Mitchell
Associate Professor of Law
University of Missouri
Professor S. David Mitchell earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and Political Science from Brown University in 1991. Following a brief stint as a paralegal in a large New York law firm, he joined the history department at his high school alma mater, Collegiate School, where he taught U.S. History, South African History, and a course comparing black protest in the Caribbean and the United States entitled “Rebellions, Revolutions and Riots.” He also served as the Director of Student Diversity, the Sophomore Class Dean, and an Assistant Track Coach.
In 1997, Professor Mitchell matriculated to the University of Pennsylvania to pursue a dual a degree in the law and sociology. He would earn a Master of Arts in Sociology in 1999 and a law degree in 2002. In law school, he served as a member of the Student Ethics and Responsibility Committee, the Jessup International Moot Court Team and Board, the American Inns of Court and the Black Law Students Association.
After graduating from law school, he served as a law clerk in the District Court of Maryland to the Honorable Andre M. Davis, who was recently elevated to the Fourth Circuit of Appeals. Professor Mitchell then headed to the University of Colorado at Boulder as a Scholar in Residence in the Department of Sociology. Two years later, in 2006, he joined the faculty at the University of Missouri, School of Law where he currently teaches courses in both civil and criminal law, was recently awarded tenure. Professor Mitchell’s engages in an interdisciplinary approach to the study of criminal law where he focuses on felon disenfranchisement, collateral consequences and ex-offender reentry and reintegration.
Professor Mitchell has been honored for his teaching and service, receiving the Alpha Kappa Delta Award “For Excellence in Teaching and Outstanding Service to the Students of Sociology” at the University of Colorado. In his time at the University of Missouri, he has received the Gold Chalk Award and a Minority Faculty and Staff Appreciation Award from the Legion of Black Collegians.
Professor Mitchell is a member of the Boone County Offender Transition Network, a former member of the Board of Directors of the Boone County Community Partnership, and currently on the Board of the Columbia Montessori School. Professor Mitchell is currently on leave from the university researching ex-offender reentry in Missouri as a Faculty Fellow with the Supreme Court of Missouri. He is married to Dr. Enid Schatz, an Assistant Professor in the Women and Gender Studies Department at the University of Missouri and has one son, Langston.
Dear Friend,
The Jefferson City Branch of the NAACP will host its 48th Annual Freedom Fund Dinner and Silent Auction at the Capitol Plaza Hotel on Friday, November 18, 2011. This is an occasion to reflect upon the past and embrace our future. We invite you to join us as we celebrate our theme, “How Long? Not Long.”
The Annual Freedom Fund Dinner is our primary fund-raiser to support branch activities and operation expenses. These funds provide high school, college and law school scholarships, access to limited legal information, support for local prison branches as VIC’s (Volunteers in Corrections), officer training, and representative participation at state and national conferences. In addition, chapter volunteers work with area schools to promote understanding about diversity concerns, and work with the Armed Services on equity issues. Since this is a volunteer organization, no funds are used for salaries. This branch requires approximately $10,000 per year and needs a small office. We would appreciate your support as an attendee, sponsor, and/or benefactor.
Our silent auction and reception start at 6:00 p.m. and dinner follows at 7:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased for $40 individually or as part of an organizational sponsorship. In conjunction with this year’s dinner, we will issue a beautiful souvenir advertisement in the News Tribune to thank our sponsors as well as create permanent posts on our blog and Facebook. The enclosed brochure provides information on purchasing tickets, ads and sponsorships. Tickets will be mailed upon receipt of your check until November 14th , after which tickets will be reserved in your name at the door. Sponsorship tables will be reserved in the name of the sponsoring organization and/or individual.
I look forward to seeing you at the Capitol Plaza Hotel on November 18th at the 48th Annual Freedom Fund Dinner. Your participation is truly appreciated. Please call (573) 230-6424 for tickets.
Yours sincerely,
Nimrod Chapel, Jr.
Jefferson City Unit 4064
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People