Friday, October 30, 2009
Journey for Justice: Largest Civil Rights Rally In Missouri Set For Kennett Missouri Monday, November 16, 2009 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Local Law Enforcement Gets Help In the Investigation & Prosecution of Crimes Motivated by Hate

Google the names of Heather Ellis and Walter Currie, Jr., and you will know that hate crimes are an issue in Missouri. Reports of violent hate crimes are increasing. Walter Currie, Jr.'s attacker set him on fire reminiscent of lynchings thought long in the past. Heather Ellis reports that the Kennett Police force has officers/members of the KKK who are intimidating her family while the prosecutor files criminal charges unequally. Both cases have drawn the nation's attention to the Show Me State. In the face of local inaction, the federal government has once again passed legislation to protect all Missourians because Missouri's existing state laws are not being properly enforced at the local level.
October 28, 2009, President Barack Obama signed legislation into law that significantly expands the role the federal government can play in the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes. The full House of Representatives passed this legislation on October 8, 2009, by a vote of 281 to 146; the Senate passed the final version of the bill on October 22, by a margin of 68 to 29.
Hate crimes remain a festering and horrifying problem in the United States. This form of domestic terrorism is designed to intimidate whole communities on the basis of personal and immutable characteristics – and can spark widespread neighborhood conflicts, even damaging the very fabric of our society. Although there are laws on the books that help deter hate crimes and protect their victims, significant gaps remain unfilled. Sadly, the number of hate crimes in America continues to increase, and the number of “hate groups” (an organization that promotes hate or violence towards members of an entire class of people, based on characteristics such as race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation) in the United States increased to 926 in 2008, up 54 percent since 2000.
Prior to enactment of the legislation earlier today, the federal government was allowed to intervene in the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes only if they occur on federal property or if the victim was participating in one of six very specific activities, such as voting. The Matthew Shepard, James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act expands existing hate crime prevention laws and allow the federal government to assist local authorities in the investigation and prosecution of crimes motivated by hate, regardless of where or what the victim was doing at the time the crime occurred. It would also expand the definition of a hate crime to include those motivated by the victim’s disability, gender or sexual orientation and it would provide money to states to develop hate crime prevention programs.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A Morning with the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Jefferson City

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
P.O. Box 1245
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1245
Telephone: (573) 636-0684 (answering machine)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
100 Years: Living the Legacy

NAACP Announces Centennial Awardees
Jefferson City, MO, October 3, 2009 — “Ideas such as Justice and Equality are
only as relevant as we make them.” Says Nimrod Chapel, Jr., president of the Jefferson
City, MO, Branch of the NAACP. “These individuals and organizations we are
recognizing have shown a sincere interest in turning democratic concepts into reality.
It’s a fitting tribute that they are recognized at this year’s 46th Annual Freedom Fund
Dinner, Silent Auction and Centennial Celebration on October 3, 2009 at the Capital
Plaza. I encourage each of you to get to know these individuals and organization and
continue your support for these most American of ideals.”
The 2009 Awardees are:
ROY WILKINS AWARD – Vera Thomas (Mother of Reginald Clemons)
The Roy Wilkins Award is given in recognition of individuals who have devoted their
lives to finding solutions to racial inequality, promoted educational excellence, and
demonstrated courage in the fight for equality, justice, and civil rights.
ROSA PARKS AWARD –Phyllis Launius
The Rosa Parks Award is given to individuals who have committed their lives, and have
exhibited dedication and commitment to the cause of equality and justice in the face of
personal sacrifice, and for standing up against racism and discrimination.
The Missouri Supreme Court - Public
This Corporate/Public Image Award is given to a company or individual in the
public/private sector, in recognition of its/their commitment and dedication to equal
opportunity, employment, diversity, community support and leadership.
Larry Weber, Esq., Chuck Hatfield, Esq., Lieutenant Colonel Christina Case,
Master Sergeant Percy Johnson
This Presidential Choice Award is given to an organization or individuals in the
public/private sector, in recognition of its/their commitment and dedication to equal
opportunity, access, employment, diversity, community support and leadership.
The Myrtle Smith Oden Service Award is given to individuals who have worked faithfully
in the NAACP or other civic organizations for the overall betterment of the community.
LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD – Nimrod and Dr. Cynthia Chapel
The Lifetime Service Award is given in recognition of an individual for a lifetime career,
dedicated toward the cause of justice, equal opportunity and civil rights for all people.
LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – Tyronne Allen, James Tippin, Esq.
The Lifetime Achievement Award is given in recognition of an individual who has
worked diligently and given honorable and dedicated service in the safeguard of justice
and democracy.
“Honor those who have worked in their professional and private capacities as citizens to
make our Community, state and nation a better place to live and truer to the ideals set
forth in the Bill of Rights and Constitution.” Said Chapel. “Civic duty is the debt we
owe for being a part of society and it is our only real opportunity to make communities
Founded in 1909, the 100 year old NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest civil rights
organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier
advocates for civil rights in their communities, conducting voter mobilization and
monitoring equal opportunity in the public and private sectors.